Monday, April 6, 2009

Comfortable Times

Don't you just love the comfortable things that come our way. They are almost never planned well in advance, they just seem to happen. They just seem to pop up...a good movie you forgot how much you enjoyed, and comfort food that is prepared just the way you like it, or a song that sends you back to an age or memory that you can almost taste. I just love being home. The kids are getting a little older and able to take care of themselves and not TOTALLY helpless. They are even a little helpful and getting to be allot of fun.

When was the last time you cooked some hot chocolate chip cookies? I am doing that right now and the house smells great. Yea, its a mess after the kids get ahold of them but its worth it. Part of the art of being ticked off is to see things as they are on the surface. Look no deeper than the surface and you see kids with a mess on their face, floor, and clothes. Dig a little deeper and you see the smiles of pure contentment on their faces, listen a little closer and you hear the giggles of excitement as they chew the warm gooey chocolate, watch them a little closer and you will see them as they experience something that brings them joy that you only wish you could experience again.

I just love my kids and the brief moments of clarity that I have with them. I love the fact that God gave them to me to protect, raise, cherish, love and nurture. Wow what a blessing! God help me to appreciate the blessings of comfort that I receive from you.

1 comment:

Sharon Winn said...

Awwww! Makes me want to cook some chocolate chip cookies right now!!! I don't want to sound optimistic, but have you noticed your last 2 blogs don't sound so "ticked off"? I like that!!! Life IS good!!! Love you babe!