Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life is Good, Eat it Up!

I love food! Yes, it is the taste and the comfortable feeling but, that is not all. I love how most times food comes with family and friends. I can't think of many other things in our lives that is so consistent (three times a day, every day) that can be so exciting. Think about it, what else do you do so often that can be so enjoyable.

I have noticed that most of my food choices are the same or revolve around the same items. A quick breakfast, McDonald's for lunch, take out or something out of a box for dinner, all these things are not too exciting but when you stop and look around you may see something different. That something different may look like a table full of family, wife and kids around the dinner table, if your lucky, or a lunch with a friend or coworker. If you are really lucky you get tired of being stuck in traffic and return home to a cooked breakfast prepared by a loving wife. Hey, this can really happen and it does not hurt to ask. These are the good things in life, those things not planned but are at times the best things life has to offer.

I am looking forward to making some posts that center on food. Maybe sharing some recipes and a story that goes with them. Anyway, most of the food ideas that is thought out came from somewhere. Either Mom taught you or you had something similar at a Friends house. Thinking back on my favorite foods, I find that they came with some warm memory surrounding the meal whether it be a good story or the person you shared the meal with. Its not just holidays that make the food special. Any day can be a food holiday, you just need a good recipe, some friends or family, heck even by yourself and a good tv show is a pretty good time.

Life is good, eat it up!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Not always the ticked off dad

Its been well over a year since I posted to this blog. I have not really wanted to see my thoughts I guess. I am also kind of sorry that I choose the name "ticked off dad" for my blog because I don't want to be defined by that name. I am ticked off quite a bit but I do have times when I am not so ticked off. With that said I think I am going to start another blog that will have a positive name so that I can post stuff without immediately starting from the negative. I really like to discuss topics, not so I can prove myself right, but to guide my thoughts and challenge them with what others may think about them.

I will keep you posted on the new name of my blog.