Friday, February 22, 2008

Fridays are Difficult

Have you ever seen Fight Club? Crazy movie and probably something I should not be watching but it is one of those movies that just makes you think...anyway Friday night is tough. The week end is soo difficult. I am always just so tired, especially Friday nights. My wife and I are so tired from the week neither of us want to chase the kids. They love it cause they get to run wild in the house until they collapse. Sometimes this back fires when they flash over and start tearing up the house.

My wife is exhausted from the week with the kids, I am exhausted from my week at work. I think sometimes Friday nights are a contest to see who is tiredest the first. No big deal but I have trouble with the care for the kids on Fridays. This begs the question, is a bath necessary every night? I just don't see it. Did I get a bath every night? Did Jesus take a bath every day? The answer is no. It is not necessary that the kids get bathed every night. The problem is we have convinced ourselves that a bath is necessary every day regardless of the effort. I am convinced that we continue to fool ourselves with what our wisdom says is important. The things that man says is critical is not always what is important. Rest, peace, and love...these are the things that is important. 'Its time for baths'...crap. I remember my grandfather coming home with grime on his face and sweat on his brow from working the fields. Now...he needed a bath. A child that has played inside at home or school is not going to suffer if there is no bath tonight.

Where is the importance lie in a family? Is the importance with happiness or success? What defines the success of a family? Is it if the kids are bathed, each and every night, then we are successful? Where do we see the happiness in the family? Is it survival for a period of time, until the kids are old? Aren't we supposed to be enjoying the time we have? It is NOT the purpose of God for us to live for a period of time in the future but to live for the time we are! We are told to GO...lets us go...let us enjoy now...let us see the importance of now from the eyes of love not anger and the necessity of the things of this world. These are random thoughts but heart felt just the same...


Hear Me Roar said...

Well, I sit to comment on this blog and it is Friday morning after one of those weeks you've been complaining about. you've already written on fb that you are sleepy today so I am assuming that tonight will be a "typical Friday night" at our house.

Or....we can say you know what this week was hard and we are glad to see it come to an end! How about we meet at the local Mexican joint get us some yummy food and top shelf margaritas, laugh with the kids, come home and put them in bed without a bath with cheese dip in the corner of their mouths, and then collapse in each others arms thankful we made it thru this week. Wake up Saturday morning going and seeing people we love and Sunday go worship our God that made it all possible, go to a cookout with our friends in our small group, have impacting conversations, come home and bathe the kids (only to start their school week off well), and then go to bed and "put each other to sleep" as only we know how to do for each other, and before you know it the weekend will be over.

What do you say??? I say, Thank God It's Friday!!!

Your wife,

Craig Winn said...

done. Mexicali her we come!!! I invited the mitchels to join us in keeping with the whole freinds thing. You are a sweetheart and I love you.